Little people have feelings and emotions too. However, because of their age and experiences in life, children may have difficulty expressing their emotions in a way that is acceptable or understood by adults. This often poses a challenge when their communication shows up in less than desirable ways. Let's be honest. It is a challenge for us as adults, at times, to positively express our emotions! Imagine if our kids got the start that we did not, to be better prepared to more effectively maneuver through these life experiences.
Cynthia and I have been looking forward to creating experiences that empower the youth here at Therapeutic Solutions and Wellness. Next Saturday we are having, Kids Breathe, Paint and Juice, a mindfulness and art based youth event. We are both parents and have worked as school counselors(both), a special education teacher (me), mental health therapists (both) and a yoga instructor (me).
As parents we work to instill love and great values into our children. This photo of mother and son is so beautiful. In the context of this email, it also reminds me of the many times I and other parents have empowered our children on their way to school to "Have a great day", "Remember that Mommy, etc loves you", and "Stay on green" (insert eye roll at the color system lol) conversation. Parenting is beautiful and honestly it at times is a challenge. Where is the book with all of the answers already?!
" A clinical study published in 2011 in The Journal of Child and Family Studies found that children between 8 and 12 who had A.D.H.D. diagnoses, along with parents, were enrolled in an eight-week mindfulness-training program. The results showed that mindfulness meditation significantly improved attention and impulse control in both groups, but the improvements were considerably more robust in the children." New York Times. This upcoming event will offer mindfulness in the form of breath work and art."
1. Can help in decreasing depressive and anxiety symptoms, lower
stress and provide a greater sense of wellbeing.
2. Enhances academic performance and focus.
3. Can help us learn to relax our body and mind, in an effort to avoid hypersensitivity (tantrums, shutting down, overthinking, anxiousness, taking things personally, feelings of overwhelm).
4. Helps you to embrace who you are and avoid self sabotage. 5. Helps to strengthen conflict resolution skills.
In closing, please take care, love on your babies, take time to love on yourself, take deep breaths, give yourself time to pause before responding in anger or ridicule. Do your best and please tell your babies that Ms. Cynthia and Ms. Daphne are routing for them. We hope to see you on February 29th!
Daphne Fuller
Therapeutic Solutions and Wellness, PC