As we move through life we inherit and create experiences and internal dialogue. Some dialogue and experiences are positive and then there are others that have negatively impacted the way in which we see ourselves, treat ourselves and how we allow others to treat us. This workshop is designed to identify, acknowledge and change that which has become a repeated statement or belief that makes it difficult for you to love yourself just as you are. In this workshop you will let go and reconnect with the amazing and worthy person that you are. You will leave this workshop having a better relationship with yourself, understanding how to and having the opportunity to be a witness of the power of speaking and giving love to yourself. You will create a Love Board for you to take home, participate in specially crafted yoga sequences to nurture yourself, experience the power of essential oils, be supported by a licensed therapist, coach and certified yoga instructor and more. This workshop does not replace mental health therapy and is not a therapy group. For more questions, please contact the office.